Saturday, September 22, 2007

Poor Bear, or why RSV sucks

So, after I signed off last night, I went to get in the bathtub and get ready for bed. Right before I got out, I heard The Bear wake up. The Huz went to get him to calm him down until I got out of the bath to nurse him back to sleep, and he brought him into the bathroom. Immediately, I noticed that when he breathed, he could hardly get any air in. He sounded like his airway was about a pinhole large. I've never heard wheezing like that. It scared the pants off of me. On top of it, he couldn't cry, he would just crumple his face and emit a small, wheezing noise. He started arching his back to breathe, so we got out the nebulizer and immediately gave him a treatment of Xoponex. We hung around for about 20 minutes, but it was getting worse, so we called my mom, dropped Sir H off with her to spend the rest of the night, and took off for the ER in NB.

He was seen quickly, his O2 saturation level was okay, but not great (90%) and they ushered us into a room, took a nasal swab for RSV, took a chest X-ray and started him on a breathing treatment with three times the medicine we can give at home. The treatment took about an hour, and afterward, he showed some good improvement, and his O2 sat level was back up to 100%. The RSV swab came back positive, so they sent us on our way with a prescription for amoxicillian (he also has an ear infection), orders to give him a breathing treatment every 4-6 hours, and see our GP on Monday. We got home at 3:30 am and that was our wonderful date night. Now The Bear is in quarantine for at least a week, if not two, so that we don't infect any of our friends. "Happy birthday, here's a delightful respiratory illness!"

I forget how much adversity can bring a couple together. When something is wrong with one of our precious boys, nothing can come between us. I would never wish illness or pain on my children, but I can say that the silver lining is that it reminds me why I married my wonderful husband. It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day pettiness of arguing and housework and who isn't getting what need or want met, but when we face an obstacle as a couple, I would have no one else by my side than my strong, loving, kind, calm and steady husband.


The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

I am SO sorry he is feeling so poorly! Hope all are well soon!

TracyD said...

Poor little guy! I remember when my E went through this same thing at 6 months. Scary. Hope he's better by now!

Danielle said...

Thanks, you wonderful ladies. He's doing much better. It's been a week today, and he's finally improving. :)