Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm so ashamed

Please don't judge me forever based on what you are about to read. I must confess something. I have two new crushes, based on some new songs I heard today. Ready?

Justin Timberlake - I can't stop bopping to his Sexyback song. And I watched him on Oprah (I tivoed it because of my next crush confession's appearance on the show, and ended up watching him before she came on), and he's one hilarious dude. Big fan.

Kelly Clarkson. She's my new girl crush. Um, I love her.

That is all. Now you may all point and laugh. In familial news, The Bear has a "baaaad cold", says the pediatrician, but thanks to the magical, wondrous power of mama milk, he has some fluid buildup in his ears which is causing him pain, but no ear infection! Poor baby, he can't breathe through his snotty little nose, though, so he snores all night and hasn't slept in about, oh, 3 days. O.o He has been walking more, instead of always crabbing around with that hilarious crawl that cracks us all up. He took 6 steps today, after taking 5 in a row earlier in the day. You can totally see his thought process, though...he'll step...step...stepstepstep, and then look at where he's headed and it's like it's written on his face, "Screw this, I can crawl over there in .32 seconds," and off he crabs.

Mark your calendars now for his first birthday party. Our house, November 3rd at 2:00, invitations will be arriving soon. FIRST BIRTHDAY! Who let my baby grow up already? I mean, he's busy chatting it up with mama, daddy, ball, buh-bye, and he knows a ton of signs and has other sounds that are unique to what he's communicating, and he's just so big! As for Sir H, he's beautiful and brilliant as always. He told me today that he met a boy with earrings and asked me tons of questions about why that boy was wearing earrings? Why he made a silly decision? We got into a discussion about growing up, and he insisted that he will grow up to be a mommy. When I gently told him that he will be the daddy, and how wonderful daddies are, and how special that would be, he started crying and said he didn't want to be the daddy, he wanted to be the mommy. I asked him why, and he said it was because all daddies do is work and he wanted to be with his kiddos. :( Saddest thing ever. I told The Huz, and he almost cried. Seriously. So, maybe The Huz will get home earlier than 7 pm more often now. Those two, they're just such precious two little peas in a P. pod.

Tomorrow is my day off, so I get to sleep as late as I can possibly manage to make my body stay in bed. Two weekends ago was my record - I made it to 1 pm! That's right. I could win any professional sleeping contest in the world. And reading. And bathing. I excel at all three of those in length, depth and complexity. I'm quite the gifted girl. Moral of this paragraph: DO NOT CALL my house tomorrow until 3 pm, I'm aiming for a record.