Saturday, September 29, 2007

Life is Gooooooooood

Saturday mornings are my day that are all mama, all day long. I pretty much get to do whatever I want, and The Huz holds down the fort. Sweetie pie, huh? Well, today I woke up to The Huz putting The Bear in bed with me to nurse, and then when he was finished, called out for The Huz in my annoying fishwife voice. He came to retrieve him, and I blissfully faded back into sleep. I finally woke up to the sound of The Bear's crying as he woke from a nap, and rolled over to see the clock displaying 2:52. That's in the p.m. I figured it must be messed up from Sir H's tinkering, so after getting The Bear, I checked the clock in the living room, and guess what? I managed to sleep until 3:00 in the afternoon. Go me! I really have a gift.

I'm enjoying everyone in my family being well...The Bear is finally able to go more than 4 hours without a breathing treatment, The Huz is back on his Strattera, Sir H has only had one nosebleed and no other health issues in a week, and I finally was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, and when I knew what to do to handle it, I've never felt better! So, thankfully, we'll be falling into fall with good health and happy spirits.


The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

OK you are good cause you even updated your blog at 2:42PM! :)

Constant Dreamer said...

I lost you for awhile when you changed your blog name. Glad things are starting to look up for you!

Danielle said...

Whoops, glad to see that the move didn't throw too many people off. I got tired of seeing bitchy every time I logged on. ;)

TracyD said...

You have a good huz. Sleep is a wonderful thing.

Heather said...

Ah, I'm glad to find you again, too. I was so confused. :)