Monday, April 21, 2008

Yarny Goodness

I'm making some slippers out of this delicious yarn. I'm so not a slippers girl, but I have Reynaud's Syndrome, a fancy name for my-toes-go-numb-and-lose-feeling-at-random-times-mostly-when-cold. So, I fell in love with these little guys. You know you're jealous.

I've finished the actual shoes, and it took me about 4 tries to figure out the attached I-cord, but I finally got it. I ditched her directions and used my own, and we'll will come when I am finished!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stifling One's Laughter In Order to Appear Disciplinary

I just had to tell Sir H to "go back to bed" for the forty-eleventh time tonight, and he walked away, kicked at the floor and muttered, "That's the most ridic-yee-lus thing I've ever heard."

Sunday, April 13, 2008


So I've been knitting like crazy, it keeps me from killing people. Or poking them with sharp sticks. So far, I have refrained from poking small people (or the large one) with the needles. Cross your fingers that I will continue in that successful vein.

In other news, I took my first pictures of my products for my Etsy shop, which is currently empty, but exists, at I'm really looking forward to doing some business again. I've missed it.

Oh, and quick note - Sir H is still royalty, but The Bear has more than earned his new appelation...Baby Taz. As in the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes. He is a whirling dervish, and makes quite the hilarious noises and "talking" that is remarkably like the baby version on the Baby Looney Tunes version.