Sunday, November 11, 2007

You know?

You know how you start attending a church, really like the people who are in it, help to get it off the ground, since it's an emergent church? And then you get all settled in there and love it, and you start a moms' group that has been your heart's desire for over two years? And you've been praying literally almost every day for it to manifest? And then something happens, and there's a conflict, and you see into the heart of the church and it's not pretty? Yeah. That sucks.


Maggi said...

Yeah, Sometimes I want to get made and blame the Church, but I realize that people aren't prefect and we're sinners learning to follow Jesus.

I'm interested in your church, and what you've read. I love books like Blue Like Jazz and some of Rob Bell's stuff.
~Maggirayne (from MDC)