Sunday, November 4, 2007

Big ass airplanes!

Airshow today. It was a ball! Sir H was rocking the house, he was racing from plane to plane and climbing in the cockpits and just generally livin' large. Unfortunately, the Thunderbirds were unable to fly, as they have stayed grounded since the sad incident at an airshow in Idaho. Although there were only minor injuries to the pilot, as he was able to eject (.8 seconds before impact, holy cow!), they are not flying right now, until there is a thorough investigation and they cover their asses from the people who would love to use this against them and stop fighter plane exhibitions reach a consensus as to the cause and a future safety plan.

Pictures to come, The Bear rode on my back most of the day, and toddled around when we let him loose, and Sir H was absolutely enrapt with the planes taking off and landing. It was actually quite cool, the focus was on historical planes and there were mostly WWII era planes flying, those things are massive compared to the newer, sleeker fighters.

Funny of the trip: my dad pointed and said, "There's the stealth bomber." I looked and looked, couldn't find it. It finally clicked, he was pointing at an empty space. Buttmunch. Thankfully, my mom got it after me, and The Huz, whose mind is full of figures and not so much global processing, finally had to have it explained. So, I felt better.

And big news that I haven't posted yet - The Bear turned 1 on 11/1, and we had his blast of a party on 11/3, so I'll be sharing a few pictures soon. I can't believe my baby boy is 1. A whole year since he arrived in this world, and I was able to reach out and touch him after waiting 40 long weeks and one day. We're so glad you are in our family, my sweet Bear.


The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

Happy Happy Birthday Baby Bear!! Sorry we missed his big day I thought about him all day Thurs! We got up yesterday and thought about going to the air show too!! What a beautiful day to go!!

Danielle said...

It was stunning! The boys had a wonderful time...did I mention that the 'rents went with? Get this - Huz actually wanted to all go in the same car. :O He sat in the wayback, LOL!