Tuesday, November 6, 2007


It's funny how they change as you grow and have kids. Our anniversary was on Saturday, which was also the day of The Bear's first birthday party. I don't think I even mentioned it on here. I rolled out of bed at about 10 am, since The Huz was home, and started to get ready for the party. The Huz said, "Happy anniversary!" and I grunted back at him (hey, gimme a break, I hadn't had my morning caffeine yet!). That night, we were both lying in our bed with Sir H as he went to sleep, and were all three cuddled up together, Sir H in the middle. He fell asleep, and both The Huz and I were so tired we just lay there for a few minutes. He said, "So, when are we going to dinner?" I said, "For what?" He responded, "For our anniversary," and I just shrugged. We both cracked up, that it was just one of those things.

I cherish that I married a man who will lie in bed with me at 8 pm with our big boy and will gaze at him in wonder, and we both revel in the beauty and joy that our boys bring us. In the moments where I may spend a moment feeling nostalgic about my life before marriage and children, I have an unbidden flash of a moment like last night. The Bear was in bed with us, he starts out in his crib and still wakes to nurse a few times, so he ends up in our bed halfway through the night. Sir H had also woken and crawled into bed with us, and at some point, The Huz and I were both awake, and he reached over in our sleepy fogginess and just put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. Joy. Bliss.