Friday, February 5, 2010

Yum, yum, yum. Delisi-OH-so!

Just finished cleaning up the crumbs from dinner - nothing left but a memory of what was the Katrina Cooks Puff Pancake! I have a cast iron griddle, but not a skillet, so I used a cake pan, preheated it and melted the butter in the microwave. I whipped the ingredients with some added Herbes de Provence in my KitchenAid standing mixer for about 5 minutes, while I shredded some cooked turkey breast and grated mozzarella.

Poured the butter into the heated round cake pan, then the batter, then sprinkled the turkey breast and cheese on top, popped that bad boy in the oven and 10 minutes later...golden deliciousness. It was fabulous! The cheese was bubbling on top, and just browning enough to know that you were about to bite into a warm mess of soft, thick, melty heaven.

What a great base recipe. I'm planning a arugula and Gruyere puff for early next week. Home run, and thank you to Katrina for the recipe, it was perfect! I dirtied 3 items, and it only took a max of 20 minutes including bake time. Thing 1 gobbled 3 pieces down, he's eating anything that isn't nailed down at this point in his life. Thing 2 puffed out his bottom lip and said, "Don't WIKE it!" and remained committed to his random hunger strike he's been on for a week, and Thing 3 signed "more more more more" frantically as he plowed through 2 giant slices. DPlayer and I both snarfed it down, too, and I was impressed that it looks akin to a souffle, so the presentation made me feel like a rock star, too.

Dinner WIN!