Monday, February 4, 2008

EEG and MRI scheduled!

It's a case of hurry up, see the doctor! Now wait! MRI is on 2/12 and EEG on 2/20. I feel confident in the testing, they will be sedating him for the MRI, which means we have to withhold food from him, the biggest eater and hungriest person in the entire world, seriously. I mean, the kid can polish off an entire enchilada kids' plate at El Ranchito and still want more from my plate. Then, the EEG requires him to be both awake and asleep in order to monitor both brain wave patterns, so he gets to sleep from midnight to 4 am the night before. Eek! Hopefully, The Huz will take the day off so we can take turns napping. After the EEG, we wait for three weeks and then go back to see the neurologist. I'm very confident in him, we had a quick but very informative visit, and The Bear is just growing by amazing leaps and bounds.

He follows Sir H everywhere and thinks he's just big. He loves to play, especially loves to throw balls and has terrific aim. He's picked up a bunch of new words and communication skills in the last few weeks, and it's amazing to watch him explode like this.

I'm also so excited that the neurologist may be able to help me with my migraines. He has some options for me when The Bear weans, so I feel better knowing there may be something we can do, even if it's in the future. Thank you all so much for your prayers, your thoughts, emails and phone calls. We truly wouldn't be able to make it through this without y'all.