Monday, January 14, 2008

January 31st

The pediatric neurologist's office opened at 8:30 (so said his answering service when I called on Sunday night at 11 pm), so I spent an hour stalking the clock. I swear, that was the slowest hour of my life. I called at 8:28 am, and wouldn't you know it...still the answering service. I waited another 4 minutes, then called back. I spoke with a phone answerer, to whom I gave a brief synopsis. She informed me that "Dr. R. won't order an EEG until after he has a consult with you and the first opening we have is.............................March."

Yeah. That went well. I let her know, kindly, that we weren't going to wait until March, and I would be in there today. We compromised on January 31st. While I want with all my heart to rush in and figure out what's happening, I spoke with two other doctors for second opinions, and they both opined that there was no reason to rush into the test, that two weeks won't hurt anything. As always, in the meantime, we are supposed to head immediately to the Baptist hospital if he has another seizure.

I went to the gym today, hoping to get in my normal yoga hour, and for numerous reasons, I didn't get there until 2 hours after the class was over. I got on the treadmill and was going to walk/jog a mile or so and then do some deep stretching. I ran 4.5 miles. I guess I needed to pound the ground and let some tension out, huh? I can hardly move. Please pray that The Bear doesn't have a seizure tonight, or I may have to stay at home, paralyzed from the neck down.


Constant Dreamer said...

Oh Danielle! ((HUGS)) to you and your little one. That is so scary!
I hope the 31st arrives without incident.
Take care of yourself.

Masasa said...

I have returned after a hiatus from the blogging world and was stunned to see your latest. Thinking of you.

What type of an EEG do you think they will they do? For our ds, I think they did it with him sedated, but I can't remember for sure? I've heard the 24 hour ones are even more useful/accurate.

Good for you for pushing for a January appointment! Yikes. I can't imagine waiting.