Monday, August 6, 2007

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question

In the last few months, I have, for the very first time, been challenging myself as to my vehement and ardent beliefs that vaccines are necessary and good. I decided that if that is a fact, then I would have no problem reading the information written by those who are concerned about vax effects on our children. So, I'm just beginning the journey.

I have recently come across a Christian physician, Dr. Russell Blaylock, who is opposed to routine and mandated vaccinations. Although I have known some Catholics who are anti-vax due to the presence of fetal cells lines in many of the immunizations, I have not encountered anyone "in real life", as opposed to online, who has an ethical objection based on this variable. So, the information I'm discovering is fairly new to me, and there are no peers or mentors who have opinions with which I can discuss it. An interesting position, this, and one more and more common in this Internet age.

At this moment, I am absolutely, more than one hundred percent committed to continuing the vaccination for meningitis, brand name Prevnar, effective against pneumococcal bacteria. I've seen firsthand the devastation this disease has wrought on infants and children, and I'm committed to being as cautious as possible when it comes to meningitis. My task in the next month or two will be to evaluate the other routine vaccinations The Bear will be scheduled to receive, and thankfully, due to my time mismanagement skills, I have been given some grace time. At 9 months old, he has only received up to his four-month scheduled shots, so he's relatively vax-free at this point. I'll be posting my thoughts as I travel down this road of vax information and try to separate the agenda from the facts.

Sir H. was reading his "mazagines" earlier, and had some "growl-a" bars for breakfast. They used to be "ranogla bars", but time is too fleeting when it comes to precious mispronounciations. The Bear is now accustomed to falling asleep on me, as I lie in a half-coma, so I type this with him fussing at me from his bed while I sit in the chair next to it. He's a snuggle buggie, and I love it.