Sunday, August 5, 2007


So, I finally have a place to post, to vent, to share. I'm way behind the 8 ball on this one. As in a decade. I have eschewed the idea of a blog for a great while, for the same reasons I abhore the endless rows of memoirs on the library shelves, and the reality television shows that dominate the airwaves. But, who am I kidding? I read the memoirs, the juicier the better. I watch the shows, I read the blogs.

Ergo, I succumb. Now the question is - will anyone read?


Masasa said...

I will! I will! Nice blog. Thanks for checking out my blog, as it brought me here. Looks like you and I succumbed around the same time. I'm enjoying the experience, though, are you?

Danielle said...

Awww! Thanks for my very first (and hopefully not last) comment! I am very much enjoying it - what a wonderful way to think things through, get things off my chest, etc. I'm just a little afraid that it will become an obsession, dum dum DUM! Thanks for the visit, and I will be continuing to pray that your separation from your family passes quickly and you have peace in the time you are apart.