Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I was sitting here, knitting and watching a DVRed show when it hit me how incredibly happy I am at this moment. What a blessed life I lead, how many things I have for which to be grateful.

I have a great friend with whom I have a standing lunch date after we pick our big boys up from preschool 2x per week, after which I live in an area that has gorgeous, amazing weather, and I have the ability and health to walk with my boys while Sir H. rides his big boy bike (no training wheels since he was 3!), and my precious boys love to play together, and play outside and exercise and walk. The mountain laurels are blooming, so I was taking giant breaths of sweet grape scent with every step. We stopped and played in my parents' backyard, because I have parents who love my children only second to how much we love them.

Then, I was able to make a healthy, homecooked meal because we are able to not just buy, but also have easy access to organic and whole foods, and have children who are easy to please when it comes to food. I have friends who trust me to sit with their kiddos as they slept while my friends went to the primary caucus tonight, and when I returned home, I have one sick baby that is finally sleeping, which is a huge blessing, and a husband who had picked up the house, wanted to talk for a few minutes to connect with me, and a big boy who asked me to come snuggle with him and read a book and tell a story. Then, all three of my men go to sleep, and I'm sitting here, having found a medication that gets rid of my nerve pain, feeling physically good for the first time in a long time, knitting, and torn between deciding if I want to sit on our comfortable couch, in our comfortable and lovely and peaceful home, and continue to knit to my heart's content while I watch something fluffy on TV, or if I want to get in the bath and read my new books from the library that I'm completely pumped about, and go to bed early and snuggle up with my pillows and my big boy who is in our bed tonight.

Does life get any better? Wow, I'm literally tearing up. God, thank you for my precious family.


Elizabeth said...

It is true bliss to have waves of joy and contentment wash over you.

Danielle said...

Yes, it is. What a wonderful life.