Monday, October 29, 2007

Time Management

I have been fighting against the knowledge that it's time to make better use of my life. This is all I get, this one pass through life. I've been in a rut for a while, really feeling like there are days where I simply waste the precious moments and hours that God has granted me with my gifts of my children. So, my new resolution is to change my focus. I'm going to be making some changes, primarily spending less time on the computer, more time face to face with my kids, and incorporating more projects like the lapbooks we've been doing.

So, if you see me online, or catch me at my computer, give me a finger wag and a raised eyebrow and exhort me to Go Play With Your Children, Woman!

Today I've already been other-focused, and I've done a load of laundry, put Benton down for a nap, made scrambled eggs and cleaned up all the corresponding pans and utensils and put them away, fed the animals and even petted the poor, neglected things. And it's only 8:45 am! Go me! It feels great. So, I'm going to keep it up, so that I feel even greater. :)


The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

I'm in your rut too! I sit to feed little angel and I then sit and cuddle and search the web. Then I lay her down go run do a chore and then she's ready to eat again. I so need to get up start walking and getting the kids to the park!

Danielle said...

Groan. Don't even talk to me about exercise. Argh.