Thursday, January 21, 2010


Baby A and I have both been feeling nasty, so we've been at the ENT a few times in the last few weeks. I've seen this ENT since I was about Thing 1's age, so 6? 7?ish, and he knows my family like the back of his hand. He has a new Physician's Assistant, and we saw her last week for the first time. I loved her! She has four kids, and was really helpful and kind and thorough. When I called this morning, they fit us in with her again, and I was actually pleased.

During the exam, she noticed a bruise on Baby A's ear of all places, and I, in my exhaustion and sickness, responded mom-to-mom, "You know, who knows. He's at that stage where he toddles and loses his balance, you know how it is! HA!" She got all quiet and weird and I think I put my foot in it, people! I feel like such an idiot, like an airplane passenger who joked about sneaking a bomb through at security. So she made this note in his chart and then got all super sleuthy and now I'm convinced that CPS is going to show at my door tonight. I called DPlayer frantically, and he got home about an hour early and he whisked the kids out the door so I can clean and purge and be manic all over the house.

I may never sleep again. PANIC! PANIC!

Oh, and, apparently, I'm blogging instead of cleaning, but I just took out three bags of trash (I didn't even know we had three bags of stuff, much less three bags to throw away!), and I'm having dinner. SO THERE.

Also? I can't believe I'm actually posting this, and going to share this, but I'm firmly committed to talking about the things that "we" don't talk about because of embarrassment and are you KIDDING me? Having a CPS report is SO one of those things. Now off to clean and wait and wonder and wait and wonder and wait....