Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Longest Day

Remember how I was going to be blogging during homework time? Yeah. Well, see what had happened was? Life had come undone? And I had fallen down the rabbit hole along with it? So, the day after I posted the previous blog post, I couldn't get my laptop to boot up. I went to borrow DPlayer's laptop, and in the process of signing in, stumbled across an email from this girl. Long story short, inappropriate entanglement, not an affair, but too much investment outside the marriage, things improved a little, we coasted, then one random night, we just had this THING. And I never know where to draw the line with the oversharing, so for now, and since it's late, I'll just say that he blew up at me in front of the kids and dropped a few f-bombs. I immediately told him to leave, he refused, I got the baby and left, went to sob at my parents' house, fun times ensued.

Weeks passed, he dug in his heels, decided he was going to die on that hill, and with great sadness, we told the boys that Daddy was going to be moving into a new house and they would be visiting him there. That was awesome. I'll just step outside the story for a moment and say that seeing the look in their eyes at that moment, and seeing how they reacted to that - nothing makes you feel more like a failure at parenting than revealing to your 5 year old and 2 year old that Mommy and Daddy suck and that their firm foundation of family can fracture and break all around them. Thing 1 initially thought it was a great idea, thinking we were all going to have a second residence, Thing 2 got it immediately, and withdrew into his train table Thomas set. I kept trying to talk to him and see if he understood, and he acted like he couldn't hear anything I was saying. It was awful. And looking back, I'm feeling angry all over again that DPlayer put the onus on me to do it, and that I went ahead and did it, because he "just couldn't", and he got to sit there in suffering silence with tears while I did the Bad Guy Storytime.

Finally, after asking him lots of different ways about his feelings, I flat out asked Thing 2, "Are you feeling bad?" and he nodded, without looking away from his trains that he was making crash violently into each other. I said, "Oh, honey, so am I. I feel so bad and sad. I'm so sorry. This is very sad." He looked up, with a thunderous look on his face, and furiously said to DPlayer, "Mommy and me are sad. We feel bad!" And went back to wrecking the Island of Sodor. The effects on Thing 1 happened more over time, and as usual, manifested themselves in anxiety, a constant need to please and do everything and hoard toys and not throw anything away and always know where everyone is and what time it is and are we on time to school and did you sign my folder yet and what if A flushes my toy down the toilet and did you forget to start the washer Mom Mom MomMomMomMOMOMOMOMOMOMMMMMMMMMMMMM?!

My precious boys. I just don't deserve them.

Thankfully,I happened to have a maintenance appointment with my [s]drug pusher[/s] psychiatrist, and he was floored when he found out what was happening. He sees DPlayer for his ADD and has a separate relationship with him, and when he found out that D was moving out on the upcoming Friday, Dr. Drugs asked me to reconsider if he could come up with a plan that I felt comfortable with. I agreed, I told him that I would do anything and everything within healthy boundaries to save our relationship.

So, thanks to Dr. Drugs, we are seeing a new highly specialized and amazing psychotherapist who is highly adept. We don't see her nearly as often as we would like, due to childcare issues and DPlayer's work schedule, but the sessions with her, and our monthly sessions with Dr. Drugs have managed to extricate an actual marriage from what used to be a pile of ruins. It's hard work, but I am feeling for the first time in a very, very, very long time, as if DPlayer actually wants to be married and do what it takes to stay that way. I've missed him very much.

Because I am getting some affection and fulfillment from my marriage, I am again finding energy for things outside of simply treading water just enough to keep breathing. I no longer want to drive my car into oncoming traffic, and so, I look forward to blogging more often. No promises that I will do this every day, let's just call a spade a Danielle and realize that I am unpredictable. We will all be much happier.


Norm Deplume said...

Thanks for sharing all that Danielle. I hope things continue to improve for you-- you deserve a happy life and marriage.

Danielle said...

OVERSHARING! Ha! That's what blogs are for, right?! It's been crazy, but you's life. And everyone has one, right?