Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enjoying it while I can

About a week ago, Sir H. informed me that in Finding Nemo, "their Danielle died". As my name is Danielle, I was surprised, because I usually remember when characters in movies or books share my name. I asked him to repeat what he said, and he told me again that "their Danielle died". When asked to elaborate, he said, "You know, Nemo's mom and Marlin'" "Marlin' know, his Danielle." I asked, "Marlin's wife?" He said, "Yes! Marlin's wife. You know, their Danielle." I realized, he was talking about their - ME. Wife/Mother/Female = ME. I'm a generic now, like Kleenex. It made my heart swell an insane amount.

A few days after that, he drew a picture at preschool of our family. He told me that he drew me "like an angel". When I asked him why, he said "because angels are sweet and pretty". Y'all. Seriously. Could I be any happier? Also? Totally reminding him of this when he's 15.


Norm Deplume said...

woot! You're now the standard by which all other mothers are measured. Good work, D!

The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

awww how sweet! Hate to break it to you it won't be 15 that you remind him....I'm now finding out mothers become idiots by the time their child is 12!! ;)