I was so hoping, for poor H's sake that he wouldn't develop any blisters from the burn heard 'round the world, but to my dismay, one cropped up yesterday. That means instead of this being his last day of mummy hand, he has probably 7 more days of it. I don't mind a bit dressing and tending his sweet little chubby still-my-baby hand, but while he's so patient, he's getting a bit tired of having limited use of that hand. I keep finding little trails of gauze all over the house and he'll walk by me with half of the bandage off. What a goose.
On the shopping front, I finally picked my third print for the boys' room, I haven't agonized over decisions like this is ... well, I don't know how long. I don't even give this much thought to my clothes purchases! Anyway, the third print, which will go in the middle, to pull together the subtle colors of the giraffe and whale is this one:

I love finally getting things done to make this house a home. We've lived here for just a smidge over two years, and just now are getting around to hanging things on the wall. We've moved three times in the six years we've been married, so I think there's a little hesitation to really put roots down. But, I'm fairly confident that we'll be here a while (maybe forever!), and I want to start loving on my home.
I'm impressed that you are able to get your walls covered! Our walls are pretty bare. Ah, irony. LOL.
Okay, that's funny. It's the cobbler's kids without shoes, LOL!It's about time we started hanging things, I feel like a slacker.
Glad to have found your blog...and know that others are surviving parental estrangement. And thriving!
I hope they arrived okay!
They are gorgeous! I got some frames yesterday and will be hanging them today. I'm going to spend hours agonizing about where to hang them!
Lizz - looking forward to visiting your blog!
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