We've all the nasties the last few days. You know on House, how when the patient has a BRAIN BLEED SWELLING INFLAMMATION STAT! And they shave the head and drill through the skull to relieve the pressure? I want a Do It At Home kit. So, poor Baby A had the worst last few nights, just miserable and yesterday, his sinuses were so swollen that he actually had black eyes. I've never seen that actually happen, just read it in novels with ridiculously purple prose. He can't even nurse without popping off to take a breath. Poor thing. I am grateful, though, that he is older, because I remember what it was like to watch all three of them as newborns, struggling with RSV and not knowing how to breathe through their mouths. Oh so scary.
I couldn't stand to see him so miserable, so I finally took him to see our family doc, - he's a relative and a friend, his name is Phil, but was hastily rechristened Dr. Feel by a 20 month old Sir H upon our first visit to him - who saw a ridiculously inflamed ear infection. He prescribed an antibiotic and gave me a sample of something and said also Tylenol. I try to minimize the drugz, but this babe is miserable, so hells yeah I'm loading him up with whatever will help and get him to sleep and give him relief. When I got home from the pharmacy, I gave him the medicines, and that was awesome, because he likes taking medicine just as much as a cat.
As I was administering, I realize that the sample he gave me wasn't a decongestant as I thought it was, it's a steroid. I was in the middle of screaming bebe who hates everything and I'm KILLING HIM WITH BUBBLE GUM TASTING MEDICINE and so I went ahead and just gave him a dose. I crossed my fingers that he wouldn't turn into the feral Romulus or Remus that his brothers morph into when they've had to have a prednisone hit in the past, but alas. We have a feral baby.
Cute, but feral.
He spent today alternating between lunging out of my arms with all his strength, which is impressive for a 13-month-old, diving off the end of the couch onto the hardwood floor (thankfully, I caught him, since he'd been completely out of control all day and I was following him closely), DYING to nurse, nursing ravenously for 45 seconds, then shoving his body off the couch while still attached, racing away and smacking into a wall like it had suddenly appeared there and not been in the same place for his entire life, then pick up my iPhone and race off laughing MADLY and so hard that he could hardly breathe, while I chased him through the house and while I picked up my phone after he tossed it away, crashing into the dog and squealing into her ear while he flung himself on her like she's a throw rug...
No nap, no stopping.
At least he's pleasant about it. Unless he isn't getting what he suddenly decided he had to have RIGHT NOW, in which case he might just DIE and is going to scream and scream until he gets it.
Whew. Mama tired.